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It is always time to be thinking of the perfect gift for the petrolhead in your life, and if you’re stuck for ideas? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered

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Gift Set

It is always time to be thinking of the perfect gift for the petrolhead in your life, and if you’re stuck for ideas? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. This gives the automotive enthusiast a gift they won’t forget; everything they need to take their car / motorbike / other vehicle from a state of complete winter (or summer) filth to a gleaming beacon of loveliness as an example to all other road users of “how it’s done”. Not only that, but we’ve included a few items here and there which will not only clean the vehicle, but keep it that way too.

JF Automotive / JFA is a trading name of JF Automotive Ltd and is an Introducer Appointed Representative of Social Money LTD t/a Payl8r.
Credit is subject to creditworthiness and affordability assessments.

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