*JF Automotive Ltd is a trading name JF Automotive and JFA and is an Introducer.
Appointed Representative of Social Money LTD t/a Payl8r. Credit is subject to creditworthiness and affordability assessments.By using Payment Assist, you are taking out a form of credit. You must be 18+ & a UK resident to apply. There are no fees, no interest or additional charges, however missed payments may incur a charge administration fee and may impact your credit score. In extreme cases, recovering missed payments may include using a responsible debt collection agency, or as a last resort, taking legal action. Payment Assist instalment credit products are not regulated by the FCA. “Payment Assist” and the Payment Assist logo are trademarks of Payment Assist Ltd.Payment Assist Ltd are registered with the Office of the Information Commissioner (No. ZA108970)Payment Assist Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and entered on the Financial Services Register under firm registration number 622544.You must have a valid UK based debit card to be accepted by Payment Assist for finance. Credit cards and certain debit cards are not allowed, these include prepaid debit cards and cards that do not allow continuous payments to be set up.Should you be in an IVA, we will need some additional information from you to assess your application, including a letter from the IVA company confirming that you are allowed to take out this finance and personal bank statements.
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