On The Day On The Day

What to do on the day

First time having a car tuned? Not sure where to go, or what to do when you get to us – here’s all you need to know!

If you’ve never been down to us at JFA, here’s what to expect on the day of tune – whilst a lot of it seems obvious, we felt it’d offer people that bit of comfort in knowing exactly what to expect – no surprises, or panic struggling to find us first thing.

Firstly, make sure your vehicle is ready for the work – read our prep guide here: https://www.jfautomotive.co.uk/case-studies/preparing/

With all of these things done, head down to us. Make sure to leave plenty of time, as traffic onto the estate can be awkward in peak times and add as much as 20mins to your journey!

When turning onto the estate, you’ll straight away see the car dealerships;

[figure caption=”” url=”https://www.jfautomotive.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Screen-Shot-2018-04-05-at-14.02.04.png”]

Follow the road up, untill you see ‘Vanwise’ on your left hand side (about halfway up the road)

[figure caption=”” url=”https://www.jfautomotive.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Screen-Shot-2018-04-05-at-14.03.19.png”]

The next turning on the left after Vanwise is signposted Integra:ME – head down this road;

[figure caption=”” url=”https://www.jfautomotive.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Screen-Shot-2018-04-05-at-14.03.50.png”]

At the end of this road, infront of you is a gate for the council yard, on the left a post office. Turn right, and follow the estate round;

[figure caption=”” url=”https://www.jfautomotive.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Screen-Shot-2018-04-05-at-14.04.15.png”]

You’ll soon see the JF Automotive building and dyno centre on the right hand side;

[figure caption=”” url=”https://www.jfautomotive.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/IMG_8492.jpg”]

Park up outside & head in – remember to ring the bell on the desk to let us know you’re here, we may be in the dyno cell or on a phone call & the bell will ring upstairs too. Sounds daft, but if we don’t know you’re there…it’s difficult to serve, and a dyno centre is a noisy enviroment!

[figure caption=”JF Automotive Reception” url=”https://www.jfautomotive.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/X0L7764.jpg”]

We’ll then take your keys, and go through any questions you might have about the process. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, everyone has something they’re unsure of!

Feel free to grab a coffee, and make yourself comfortable on the sofa. A lot of people like to wait and watch, have a go on the race simulator etc. We’ll try and keep you comfortable, or if you need a cab we can arrange this for you too.

The only thing we ask is that you don’t try and enter the workshop at any point. It’s for your own saftey & we cannot carry out any work with you in there.

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