Autowatch Ghost Immobiliser Install Autowatch Ghost Immobiliser Install

Autowatch Ghost Immobiliser

Don’t Leave Your Car Without It!

The Ghost Immobiliser protects your car from key-cloning, hacking, and even key theft. The Ghost has no key-fobs or LED indications to give away its location. It uses the buttons in your vehicle such as those on the steering wheel, door panels or centre console, to allow you to make a unique, changeable, disarm sequence (like a PIN code) that is first entered before you can drive your car. Just like your credit card but you can make your car disarm sequence even safer by making it up to 20 presses long!

Autowatch Ghost Immobiliser Features

  • Immobilisation by communicating with the ECU
  • Disarm sequence via buttons on steering wheel / dash
  • No transmitted radio frequency signals
  • Uses the on-board CAN data network
  • User changeable disarm sequence
  • Service / Valet mode – The disarm sequence isn’t compromised
  • Secure, unique emergency code should the disarm sequence be forgotten

Engine Start Blocking

Your Autowatch immobiliser prevents the starting of your vehicle unless the user has entered the user generated PIN.
This is even if they have the keys with them, protecting your vehicle against key theft, keyless entry and key cloning.

No Detectable RF Signals or Diagnostics from the Immobiliser

Thieves can use Radio Frequency Scanners to detect the fitted security on the vehicle.
Your Ghost Immobiliser does not transmit and detectable radio frequency signals, making it undetectable under these circumstances.
Organised car thief gangs can detect circuit cuts on vehicles using diagnostics reading devices.
The Ghost Immobiliser does not involve any circuit cuts, so is once again undetectable to thieves using this method.

Service Mode

You may need someone else to drive your vehicle temporarily. For example, for valet parking or when your vehicle is in for a service. In this case, the immobiliser has a ‘Service mode’, allowing the vehicle to start and drive without the need for the PIN.

Uses the CAN Bus (Controller Area Network)

Use of the CAN Data Bus means there is a low likelihood of the immobiliser being found. This also makes for simple and easy installation. What more can you ask for!

From £499.00 Fitted


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